Thursday, October 27, 2005

Captain Destructo.

My brother Will destroys every thing in his path, and he looks so innocent.His plot is to take over the world!I heard him say it, well it sounded more like this "goo goo gaa gaa".

Im on to him

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

this is an audio post - click to play

Clyde my Twin

Ok So mabye he's not my twin, but he looks and acts like me. He slobbers like me. He can wiggle his ears like me. Just beacase he has ears a foot long, and he has fleas, doesn't mean he's not my twin!

hey a kid can have Dreams too.

Welcome to the Galaxy!


I'm Jack. I made a blog because everyone else did and I wanted to fit in. Also, making a blog is fun and entertaining. So, look at my blog, have fun, and be entertained.
